The connection between children and climbing involves more than curiosity or pent-up energy. Kids use skills like climbing to explore and test their environments as they grow. Playground climbers allow children to conduct this important exploring in a safe yet stimulating setting. The low-impact sport of climbing helps them strengthen their whole bodies—from their fingertips to their toes, including those ever-important core muscles.

At the same time, it is also necessary to exercise kids’ on their mental, when children are climbing, they engage their brains in valuable ways. Whether it’s on a rock wall or a ladder structure, the child must determine how they’ll climb to the top and what actions they need to complete to do so. This thinking provides them more benefits, such as practicing decision-making skills, visualizing solutions to a challenge, etc..
When kids are just starting out, it’s possible to rent gear at climbing gyms or outdoor stores. But owning their own gear can both make kids more comfortable and more confident on the wall, while also heightening their stoke level (new gear is fun!)